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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Arthur Explains Asperger's Syndrome

I receive Google Alerts on Asperger's Syndrome and autism, and this morning I found a link to a youtube clip where PBS cartoon "Arthur" explains what Asperger's Syndrome must feel like to someone who has it, and how a friend can adapt his approach when interacting with an Aspie.

While it's very simple, I think it's pretty accurate as well.

The narrator compares having Asperger's Syndrome to living in a world that looks like Earth, only different. I've actually used this very same analogy when trying to give an in-depth explanation of what Asperger's Syndrome is, or how Sam functions. It's a practical explanation, beyond that of "social skills deficiencies".

For a basic overview on the five most common "symptoms" of Asperger's Syndrome, check out my article:

Ever wondered what it's like to have Asperger's Syndrome? Learn the top five most common symptoms for children with an Asperger's Syndrome diagnosis.

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