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Join us on Facebook! The My Little Expert - Asperger's Discussion Group is filled with Aspies, moms, dads, teachers, aunties, uncles, you name it, who are all willing to be that support we all need when times get rough, or to celebrate when our Aspies reach that milestone!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Back to school

Back to school is always a challenging time for children with Asperger's Syndrome. They have new teachers, new routines, and sometimes new classmates. That's a lot of change for an Aspie to deal with! 

Sam did okay his first day of school. I wrote this article as an assignment for Associated Content. Check it out!

Heading back to school is a challenge for most students, but for those diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, it can be especially difficult. Not only would my Aspie have a new teacher, but he was also facing a new school due to our move over the summer.